The 4 legs good ‘professional resources’ are available for professionals in the training and behaviour world to support their development and to help them communicate with their clients. The manual and ‘report writing system’ together, are ideal for up and coming or trainee behaviourists who haven’t yet developed their own resources. The system is certainly a help when it comes to preparing behaviour reports.
What the resources include:
Dog Training Manual - Hard Copy
An 81-page document including basic training, dog body language diagrams, user friendly description of learning theory, the 'communication, co-operation and control' programme, enrichment ideas and much, much more!‎ Plain cover for your own branding, and the content can be edited.
Report writing system
Problem behaviour protocols which address most common behaviour problems that ‎present in practice. The text is in consistent, clear language. The protocols include ‎safety 1st, relationship building, management strategies and tools to develop a ‎bespoke training plan. The protocols work with the detailed ‘concept information ‎handouts’ handouts which help clients understand the concepts of ds/cc and design ‎their own ‘training plans’ where appropriate. The system works in conjunction with a ‎included ‘licence’ to use an unbranded, digital version of the dog training manual to ‎save time in client communication and report writing.‎
Case study videos
A library of recorded case studies covering most of the common problem behaviours that present in practice. With Claire Kirby leading.
Case study videos + mentoring from Claire
Trainee behaviourists have the opportunity to analyse the videos using the ASAB ‎level one forms and submitting these to Claire for feedback.‎

An online library of resources
Available for you to download and use or edit for your own use

Saves you time
No need to write up all of your own training protocols.

Created by a CAB
All these resources are based on scientific evidence and created by a Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CAB).
More information:
Get access to the resources
Click the link below to go to the online shop. Choose the resources package you want, add it to your basket and then pay. Depending on the product, you will then be sent downloadable links or physical copies through the post.
Click here