Training Classes

'Life Skills' Puppy (puppies under 16 weeks)
- 7 week courses
- St Chad’s Church Hall, Shrewsbury, SY1 1JL
- Tuesday night 6.30-7.15
Learn the skills to teach your puppy how to cope with an increasingly complex world. In addition to basic training, prepare your pup for the challenges they are likely to meet with sensible, sensitive socialisation and advice on how to approach life’s challenges – like the vet, other dogs, being home alone and settling happily away from home.
Includes a copy of Claire’s tried and tested 83 page training manual. We recommend bringing a comfy mat to transport the comfort and security of home to the class environment.
'Life Skills' older puppies and dogs (over 16 weeks)
- 7 week courses
- St Chad’s Church Hall, Shrewsbury, SY1 1JL
- Tuesday evening 7.30-8.15
Learn the skills to teach your dog how to cope with the challenges of an increasingly complex world. In this class we can help you trouble shoot issues that have already arisen and help show you and your dog how to move on successfully.
Includes a copy of Claire’s tried and tested 83 page training manual. We recommend bringing a comfy mat to transport the comfort and security of home to the class environment.t.

Further 'Life Skills'
Coming soon. Further life skills will be more of an ongoing club rather than series of classes for ‘graduates’ of the other classes and open to others who would like to learn more. Further ‘Life Skills’ will include further developing the skills needed by dogs and their owners in the modern world, obedience exercises, scent work, basic agility and what ever people want to focus on with their dog!
Additional Follow-up Sessions
These sessions aim to provide further support, training instruction or advice if needed