Whilst far from perfect, I try to bear in mind the climate and ecological emergency in all aspects of my life and act accordingly within the limits of my powers. In this way whilst attempting to do good, I endeavour do as little harm as possible. As an extension of my life, I manage 4 Legs Good in this way too.
Animal and human welfare: I follow professional standards set out by the Animal Behaviour & Training Council, Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors, Association of the Study of Animal Behaviour Accreditation Code of Conduct and the Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians. Animal Welfare is intrinsic throughout all business activities and training methods. I endeavour to treat clients, trainee behaviourists, vets, pets and everyone else I meet through my work with humanity and compassion. These days, I even try to look after my own welfare by trying not to take on too much and become overwhelmed!
Energy efficiency: I work from home and we have insulated our house extensively, we buy from an ‘all renewables’ energy company
Transport: I only travel to local cases within a 20 mile radius of Shrewsbury. When I see clients in Shrewsbury town I go on our electric cargo bike! I am working towards an electric car for the further afield cases. Probably my main contribution towards reducing ‘behaviourist miles’ has been in mentoring up and coming behaviourists. The more qualified behaviourists the less carbon there will be generated in seeing clients because we can work more locally.

Waste: practice repair, reuse, recycle where I can. I have a dog poo composter in my garden.
Printing: I’ve not been too good on printing but from now on (Feb 2022) all my printing on recycled paper which is off set with tree planting.
Education: in researching and writing the ‘green dog blog’, I’m endeavouring to educate, not least myself. I have changed the way I do things considerably as a result of writing the blog.
Localism: I try to support of the local economy and community both in my life and work life.
Other Ethics: Claire and 4 legs good have a zero-tolerance policy to racism, bullying & modern slavery and is an LGBQT+ ally